Monday, November 7, 2011

Office windows, Budapest style

Some of you may have been in my office at Calvin College, an office which I love and miss.  One feature of this beloved office is its windowlessness.  I have lovely decorations on the walls, and work to do in this space that I love, and daily meetings with colleagues and students whom I respect, enjoy and admire, but no meaningful window from which to gaze out and appreciate the out of doors.  (I say "meaningful window" because, as some of you know, the office *does* have a window, but it is in a corner of the odd-shaped office, from which one cannot see out).  So yes, there is a window, but no, I cannot see out from it.  I say all this to introduce you to my "office window" for the morning, the Starbucks porch situated on the plaza of St. Stephen's Basilica, one of our favorite spots in Budapest.  I took this picture just now with the photobooth camera by turning the laptop around.  I make no apologies - soon enough, I will be back in a windowless office.  Now back to grading...   Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. So I get to have that office next fall? Sounds good! I really can't complain about the view out of my current office at Calvin. There is a beautiful tree that turns a lovely orange in the fall, and a view of the chapel once the leaves are gone. But somehow the chapel doesn't have quite the ambiance of a street of colonial style buildings. Enjoy!
